Corruption, Education, Agent Of ChangeAbstract
Corruption is a big problem that Indonesia must face in moving towards a country free from corruption. Indonesia is very close to problems and issues regarding corruption crimes, where corruption is also a big problem that Indonesia must face in moving towards a country that is free from corruption for the progress of the country itself, as for the role of society, especially the younger generation, in a country or government, where the key is needed. The attitude and mentality of the community, in this case the younger generation, as pioneers in fighting corrupt practices in the running of a government in a country are determining steps in managing a government that is free from corruption. Then, by cultivating and forming an anti-corruption character and mentality among the younger generation who will later be able to emphasize anti-corruption values which can be a prevention of criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia. Education plays a very important role in shaping the character of a nation, through education the hope of prosperity is often present. The younger generation has great potential and a role as agents of change in the progress of a nation. Through anti-corruption education, it will be possible to foster an anti-corruption culture and be able to increase the legal awareness of the younger generation. It is also very important to instill legal values in the younger generation.
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