Effectiveness, Direct Written Corrective Feedback, Writing Skill.Abstract
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of direct written corrective feedback and indirect written corrective feedback on the students’ writing achievement between the students who are taught by using direct written corrective feedback and indirect written corrective feedback. The problem of this study is “Is there any significant difference in the writing achievement between the students’ who are taught by using direct written corrective feedback and the students’ who are taught by using indirect written corrective feedback?”. The hypothesis for this study is there is the effect of writing achievement on the students writing skill by using direct written corrective feedback.This research is experimental studies and the researcher uses quantitative research. There are two groups of students participated in the study, the control group and the experimental group. The subject of this research is the students in Seventh Grade of SMP Trimurti 02 Wagir Malang. The data collection the technique is by testing writing composition and the data analysis technique used t-test calculated by SPSS Statistic 21 to find the differences between students’ pretest and posttest score of experimental and control group. The distribution of t-table with the level of significance is 5%. It is found that the result shows that the experimental group which is taught by using direct written corrective feedback technique got high scores than the control group which is taught by indirect written corrective feedback. The hypothesis which says that direct written corrective feedback is effective in teaching writing of procedure text.
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