Human, counsellor, counseling, Islamic education.Abstract
The human being as a counselor and the target of counseling in Islamic education is an important topic in the context of moral and spiritual edification in Muslim society. Islamic educational counselling is a process aimed at helping individuals to understand, overcome, and develop themselves holistically, based on Islamic values and principles. As counselors, humans have a key role in guiding individuals to spiritual and psychological harmony. They must have a good understanding of Islamic teachings, ethics, and morality in order to provide appropriate guidance to clients. Counselors also need to have empathy, sensitivity, and good listening skills to help clients cope with problems and challenges in their lives. On the other hand, humans are also the target of counseling in Islamic education. Individuals in Muslim societies often face high moral, ethical, and spiritual pressures. Therefore, they need guidance and counseling to maintain balance in their lives, to understand Islam's teachings better, and to deal with the various conflicts and dilemmas that may arise in everyday life. In conclusion, in the context of Islamic education, humans play a dual role as counselors and counseling targets. They must understand Islamic values and have good guidance skills to help individuals overcome problems and spiritual harmony. Islamic education based on these principles can make a positive contribution to shaping strong character and morality in Muslim society.
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